Welcome! We are located in two locations: Spokane and Deer Park in Eastern Washington, where our Pastor is District Elder Charles Norris. At New Destiny, our vision is to 1) Empower and Equip God’s people to be devoted followers of Christ; United and Mature in daily worship, fellowship, and discipleship; and committed and dedicated to sharing the good news with others; and 2) Provide helping hands to the homeless.

Our Story….

The Beginning…. 

District Elder Charles W. Norris answered the call to Pastorship while serving faithfully as an Associate Pastor at Jesus Is the Answer Apostolic church, under the leadership of Elder Shon L. Davis (now Overseer).   After much prayer and guidance from the Lord, New Destiny Tabernacle Church was established on September 12, 2004 in his home, with nine people in attendance. For that first service, District Elder Charles preached out of the book of Isaiah 43:19- “A New Destiny- A New Direction.” Church services continued in his home for the next two weeks while the building was being renovated.  New Destiny made the move to its first location on October 3, 2004 and later moved to their present location on May 6, 2013.

The Present…. 

Today we are still a church on the move and recognize that we all have individual and collective responsibilities to the Kingdom of God. District Elder Charles believes that building a strong church begins with building strong families and relationships. Based on this belief, New Destiny has monthly women and men’s ministries; along with  various youth and young adult ministries.  New Destiny also operates an Early Learning Center in which we are licensed to provide quality childcare to 94 little ones between the ages of 4 weeks and 12 years.  

In April of 2018, we extended our borders out to the Deer Park community, establishing New Destiny Tabernacle of Deer Park, where we meet on Thursday nights for Bible Study and Sunday afternoon for Worship Service. In January of 2019 the Lord spoke to District Elder Charles concerning this being the year of education.  Acting upon this spoken word, he founded New Destiny Bible College, affiliated and accredited under the Midwest College of Theology…designed to equip students to follow the lord in the work of the ministry.  He currently has six students working toward their AA degree in Biblical Studies and one working toward a Masters degree in Theology.

The Vision…. 

New Destiny continues to recognize, develop, empower and release gifts and ministry into the Church Family. God has blessed us with four licensed Ministers and many Auxiliary Leaders. We are currently looking for a church facility to purchase and solicit your prayers. As His Ambassadors, we are endeavoring to tell “Everybody” about the “Somebody” who can save “Anybody.”  Please  keep this Ministry in your prayers, as we “Move Forward” in Jesus Name!

Please check out  What to Expect and What We Believe for more information.