G.E.M.S. (Girls Equipped and Mentored to Shine)

Leader: First Lady Wanda Norris

In 2016, the Lord gave me a vision about starting a Girls Group/Ministry to help the young girls of New Destiny discover how beautiful and valuable they truly are and who they are purposed to be.  I shared this vision with my husband and several other people in the congregation, but was scared to really step out on it.  My biggest fear was the idea of starting something that I COULDN’T finish. Well, needless to say, the Lord has kindly reminded me that His Plan will always be greater than what “I” can see and/or handle… (imagine that). So with that in mind, I am stepping out in faith and obedience to launch G.E.M.S., a faith based ministry for New Destiny girls between the ages of 7-12 initially, but prayerfully will branch out to other ages and the community as the Lord leads.  I sincerely solicit your prayers and support as we (Me & your Daughters) embark upon this new endeavor.   – First Lady Wanda

Mission of G.E.M.S.

Equip girls between 7-12 in unlocking  their passions and God given purpose by assisting them in their commitment to their spiritual health, personal growth, and Biblical definitions of beauty and character.

Core Values

*    Prayer

*     Mentorship program to help teach girls how to serve and impact other girls  in the Church and Community.

*     Community serviceto make a difference in the lives of others.

*     Character Integrity

What G.E.M.S. is all about:

*  Equip girls between the ages of 7-12 to unlock their passions and God given purpose.

* Assist the girls in their commitment to their spiritual health, personal growth, and biblical definitions of beauty and character. 

* Mentorship program to help teach girls how to serve and impact other girls in the church  and community. 

*  Participate in community service projects to make a difference in the lives of others.

*  Enjoy singing and creative movement in a large group setting.

Where and When will G.E.M.S. take place: 

*  Where: At the church initially, then various locations as event/activities dictates.

*  When: Every 3rd Saturday @ 2:00 pm…. some other days as events/activities dictate.