Leader: Tabia Hunsaker

I was born in San Diego and raised in California. I took my relationship with Christ seriously in my early twenties. I believe that the most important thing is to obey God always. I am a mother of three, a teacher, and have always had a passion for praise and worship. I have compassion for our future generation that they become who God intended for them to be. My goal is to equip people younger than I am with the word of God.
Leader: Stacy Wolff

My name is Stacy Wolff, I was born in Lancaster CA, raised to the age of 13 in Joliet IL and have been a WA resident since 1993. I was raised Baptist and was baptized in 1995, but around 2000/2001, I was baptized in Jesus’ name. I’ve been a member of New Destiny since the beginning. My occupation is in healthcare. I am a mother and a nurture at heart. I’m grateful for God love towards me. The rest of my life is dedicated to “HIM” as daily I surrender to him. Daily emptying out me in hopes of HIM filling me with more of HIM.
We believe God has called us, in partnership with parents/ teen/ young adults to Invest, Instruct, Inspire and Ignite.
1. INVEST in the next generation of our teen/ young adults in significant ways
2. INSTRUCT them in the core doctrines and disciplines of the Christian faith along with principles for living healthy, wise and productive lives
3. INSPIRE them by our example and challenge them to take faith-filled risks
4. IGNITE them with a passion for Jesus Christ, a love for the lost, a commitment to New Destiny, and finally, to launch them into the world prepared for life, for relationships, for service, and for leadership.
1. Time— We commit to investing in our teen/ young adults by spending both quality and quantity time learning the Bible.
2. Love— We commit to investing in our teen/ young adults by loving them unconditionally, cheerfully, and faithfully, and expressing that love in appropriate ways.
3. Prayer— We commit to investing in our teen/ young adults by praying for and with them faithfully.
4. Mentoring—We commit to investing in our teen/ young adults by mentoring them through their questions of faith and daily experiences in “one-on-one” or small group settings.
5. Teaching— We commit to instructing our teen/ young adults in the core doctrines of the Christian faith in ways that creatively engage their hearts and minds.